East Lancashire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons

The Mark Master Mason website for East Lancashire

Welcome to the Friendly Degree in the Friendly Province.

Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro John Smith
Provincial Grand Master
RWBro John H Smith

In welcoming you to our website for Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Freemasonry in East Lancashire it is with the hope that it will be both informative and of interest not only to Freemasons, but also to those interested in who we are.

The Order greatly enhances knowledge of Craft Masonry as a progression of it and provides a greater appreciation of the Royal Arch which is an essential qualification to a number of Companion Orders within the family of freemasonry. Our ceremonies teach many important practical lessons about life and as with all aspects of Freemasonry, help us in understanding ourselves.

The Mark degree has been practiced very successfully in East Lancashire for over 150 years. We are a very vibrant Province with the objective of making our Order and involvement within it, friendly, fun and rewarding.

We currently have over 75 Mark and RAM Lodges meeting at centres across the Province, presided over by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro John Smith. He is assisted by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro Martin Roche, and two Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W.Bro Kevin Reaney and W.Bro John Porter.

We hope that your visit gives you an opportunity to gain an insight into our Order and the Province, but if you need to know anything else, just get in touch. And if you are interested in joining us, just click on the ‘Join us’ button above and also, please view our ‘Magic of the Mark’ page and the accompanying video.

If you are already a member, make sure you visit this site regularly for updates and also, follow our Twitter and Facebook page which may be reached by clicking on the links.

If you are not a member, click here to find out more about ‘The Magic of the Mark.’

Finally, to all of our members, continue to enjoy your Mark and Royal Ark Mariner memberships. And if you are not a part of our Masonic family yet, we look forward to welcoming you very soon.

Take care and Mark Well!

NB: If you cannot find the information you require, it will be probably contained within the private pages of this site. The login details are available from your Lodge Secretary/Scribe. They are unique to your Lodge and must not be shared beyond it.

Please also note that some Lodges follow meeting patterns which cannot be scheduled as recurring events within the calendars (i.e the third Friday in the first quarter). These will be manually added to the calendar each year.