I don’t get the chance to write about RAM meetings that often, so here goes. Gawthorpe Lodge 1014 RAM which is attached to Gawthorpe Lodge of Mark Master Masons re-appointed its Worshipful Commander W.Bro Ken Lambshead RAMGR on Monday 18th December. The worship commander is a popular and experienced Freemason of many orders and rank and it was a pleasure to see him remain in the Chair of not only Gawthorpe RAM 1014 but also Shuttleworth Council of Allied Masonic Degrees No 50 on the same evening.
The lodge had moved to Colne Masonic Hall during 2017 and had settled in well in the new surrounding. Not a surprise really as most of the members visited the Masonic Hall in other degrees. The Provincial Grand Master was represented by W.Bro Graham Mangham, who is a well know Mark Mason in the East Lancashire Province. The ceremonial was a low key affair with Ken being reappointed into the Commander’s chair for a second year. A couple of other offices were filled with fresh blood but one or two had taken holidays to tropical climates and couldn’t be with us.

Both the Allied and RAM ceremonies went without a hitch and the brethren settled down for a deserved dinner of roast beef with all the trimmings. A very pleasant night was had by all in a typical RAM fashion.