Flooding 2019 – To all Mark Lodge Secretaries and Almoners

RE: Flooding – November 2019
You will no doubt have watched the effects of the recent bad weather and the associated floods on the television news and were shocked by the levels of destruction to property, danger to individuals, and the ensuing distress many have suffered because of it. This is the fourth time this has happened in the last few years, although to different effects all over the North West and beyond. In some of the towns and districts that have been hit the hardest, it is possible we may have East Lancashire Mark brethren and widows living there.

On behalf of the Provincial Grand Master, I am asking all Lodge Secretaries and Almoners to contact all their members and the widows, to find out if anyone is in immediate need of assistance. This applies particularly to the widows who may be the most vulnerable. I have
268 widows currently on my list! The last time three times we asked this, I am pleased to say that no one came forward to request any such help. However, no two floods are exactly the same, so we still need to make the necessary contacts.

If any brother believes such a need exists then please contact me personally immediately. We will look at each individual case and determine whether we can offer any assistance. The Mark Benevolent Fund is willing to consider any applications.
Please contact me as below.
Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Barry R Heal
Provincial Grand Almoner. Mob 07817 324 339

Click here to email Barry Heal

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