1272- The Jewel in the Crown

East Lancashire Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 1272 recently held their January meeting at Stanley House in Audenshaw. It was a low turnout due again to the Covid situation, but those in attendance had a good time just being amongst Mark brethren again. The business was conducted by the WM and his officers and all business was swiftly despatched. The planned lecture was unable to be presented but W.Bro Howard Nuttal stepped into the breach with a short presentation that had been prepared to inform everyone about the two wonderful facilities we have at Cannons and Priors close entitled “The Jewel in the Crown” 

In fact, this short lecture really stole the evening. Howard informed us of the two homes that are totally unique to East Lancashire Province and the effect it has on the tenants of both homes. Have a read of the attachment and see for yourself what is being provided by the Mark Degree in East Lancashire. A real Jewel in the Crown.

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