1303 Mark & RAM

On Wednesday, 5th October at Middleton Masonic Hall, both Middleton Mark and RAM No1303 held their installation meeting for the Mark degree.

The first meeting was opened up in the Royal Ark Mariner degree by the Immediate past Commander WBro David Halford who thanked the DPGM, WBro David G Rainford and the 6 members of the deputation team for being in attendance.

The business of the evening being ended the RAM  Lodge was closed.  The Lodge was quickly set up for the Mark meeting. The Lodge opened at 6:40 by the WM WBro Andrew J Halford who thanked WBro David G Rainford, APGM and the deputation team for being in attendance.

The proceedings of the installation was to install Bro Christian Halford, the Senior Warden and master elect which was carried out by his brother WBro Andrew J Halford in a most sincere manner. The new Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his new team and on this occasion, he was pleased to install his father, Bro The Rev David Halford into the Junior Warden’s chair, it was truly a family affair.

The Lodge was closed at 7:35. Onto the social board and it was indeed a pleasant evening with fine food and banter around the room. The Lodge members would like to thank VWBro Graham Mangham for taking on the role of DC for the evening. A raffle took place for worthy causes

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