Mossley Mark 1381 are back and hold their installation in style

On Monday the 20 September at Westholme lodge rooms. Mossley Mark lodge 1381 held their installation meeting. Present were VWBro John Hartley Smith Deputy PGM in the chair along with Wes Marchant Prov DC and 14 other brethren. The lodge opened at 11-30 am with a few visitors standing in office. The WM WBro P M Holt then proceeded to install WBro D J Rushworth into the chair in fine style. Today the lodge had three joining members who were put to work at their first meeting. The lodge then closed 1-10 pm. The social board was attended by 16 brethren who had a splendid three-course meal followed by a raffle which raised £ 80 towards good causes. The lodge is looking forward to seeing many Mark Masons who would like to visit or even think about joining the Mossley Mark lodge 1381 day time lodge meeting just twice a year.

One thought on “Mossley Mark 1381 are back and hold their installation in style

  1. wes marchant Reply

    Thanks for the promotion, but I am Prov ADC. Really enjoyed the visit though.

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