RAM annual investiture

Twenty one Brethren from the Province of East Lancashire travelled to London to attend the annual investiture for the holders of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. Three of those investees included WBros Steven Boyle, Shaun Higson and Gerry Young.

Prior to the meeting, they all dined together at the Union Jack Club at a private dinner organised by WBro Malcolm McCarthy. A full Christmas dinner, along with a selection of fines wines was enjoyed by all.

The investiture was very well supported by Brethren from various parts of the constitution. However, everyone was delighted to welcome the MWBro HRH Prince Michael of Kent who oversaw the meeting and invested each of the 126 recipients.

Following the meeting, eight of the Brethren called at a restaurant for a “snack” prior to boarding the train home.

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One thought on “RAM annual investiture

  1. Steve Lord Reply

    Meal after Grand RAM with myself and Micheal of Provincial DC. The food and company good.

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