MBF awarded its own leaf

When I visited Rossendale Hospice on behalf of the Province and the MBF, they had a Giving Tree on the wall in the entrance hall which consisted of a number of “leaves” detailing large donors to the hospice, pictured below. I was told that the MBF would be awarded its own leaf which it now has, and below is a picture of the said leaf for all to see.

Below is a list of the lodges who nominated Rossendale Hospice with their £1000 on behalf of the MBF, to whom we are very grateful.

8 Rectitude
32 Union
1272 East Lancashire Provincial Grand Stewards
1300 Turton
1405 The George Farnworth Nuttall

One thought on “MBF awarded its own leaf

  1. Steve Lord Reply

    That was nice to see the tree and our leaf.
    Good way of expressing thanks. Seen the odd named bricks in walls. Buts not trees before, good idea.

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