Double Advancement for Ardwick

Wednesday, 26th January, Ardwick Mark Lodge No 1222 held their meeting at Stanley House, Audenshaw. This indeed was a special occasion as the lodge had 2 advancements this evening. 14 brethren were in attendance along with those from Semper Paratus Lodge No 852 who assisted with the ceremony.

The Worshipful Master, Anton Koropisz opened the Lodge at 6:35. The Lodge DC, WBro Michael Porter PGJD, took the chair and conducted the 2 advancement ceremonies in fine style for Bro Alexander Hamilton-Miller and Bro Andrew Koropisz, the son of the Worshipful Master.

A personal letter from the Provincial Grand Master and an information pack were presented by WBro T Stewart Mills to both of the new members. The Lodge closed at 8:15.

Onto the very unusual social board as we were presented with a full Chinese meal no less which was truly enjoyed by us all. The raffle raised £76 towards good causes. Tonight was truly a great night for East Lancashire Mark Masonry.


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