Annual Grand Mark Investiture

It was a nice fine day on Tuesday, 7th June 2022, when 43 East Lancashire Mark brethren climbed out of bed in the early hours to catch the 7.55 train from Manchester Piccadilly to London to attend the annual Investiture meeting at Great Queen Street. After enjoying the usual hospitality of the Grand Stewards, the train arrived at 10.18 at Euston.

This meeting was for those brethren who were to receive acting and first appointments to Mark Grand Rank. With an almost full capacity attendance, Grand Lodge opened at 1 pm starting with 6 processions for various dignitaries the last being for the MWBro Raymond J Smith, the Pro Grand Master who received loud applause on his entry.

After the general business of the meeting had been concluded and the re-appointment of the Pro Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master had been made, it was time to formally appoint and invest RWBro Francis C Spencer as Assistant Grand Master in succession to the sudden and sad loss of RWBro Stephen Davison who passed away recently.

The Pro Grand Master then invested the acting officers of the year followed by those who were to receive their first appointments. From the Province of East Lancashire, these included the following brethren:

Martin S Caller, Grand Steward
Paul G Bowen, AGOrg [re-appointment] Vic Murphy, AGInG
Ian Connor, PAGDC
Ian Casson, PAGSwdB
Peter Lambert, PAGStB

Each of whom received loud applause from the brethren of the Province who attended to support them on their investiture.

With an attendance of 850 at the social board, the brethren of East Lancashire were allocated a separate room in the company of the Deputy Grand Master, RWBro John H Prizeman. After the various toasts and responses the evening had concluded, we then made our way to Euston to return home, which again included the hospitality of the newly appointed Grand Steward and his little helpers.

This was another successful investiture meeting with a great deal of support from the brethren of the Province which was very much appreciated by the Provincial Grand Master and the other members of the Executive.

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