Friendship Mark 1459

Friendship Mark Lodge No 1459 held their installation meeting at Middleton Masonic Hall on Tuesday, 27th September. In attendance was WBro Kevin M Reaney, APGM, along with 16 brethren of the deputation team.

The Master VWBro John Tiler, PGMO, opened the Lodge at 6:05 with over 50 brethren in attendance to witness the installation of WBro Malcolm McCarthy, PGJD. He was truly placed in the chair of Adoniram in a very fitting manner by VWBro John Tiler ably assisted by members of the Lodge.

The Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his new team into their respective offices. With a full contingency in place, the Worshipful Master Bro Malcolm McCarthy thanked the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for taking time to attend the meeting along with the members of the deputation.

The Lodge was closed at 7:45. Onto the social board where we enjoyed canapés and fine wines. With 51 brethren sat down to a beautiful meal in fine surroundings. Followed by port and whiskey along with a raffle to end this great occasion of a truly dedicated Mark Mason WBro Malcolm McCarthy, PGJD

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