£18,801 donation for Blood Bikes

On Tuesday, 14th February, at Salford Masonic Hall, representatives from 3 neighbouring Provinces joined to hand over a new Blood Bike to the volunteers who provide a worthwhile service to the nation.

East Lancashire was represented by the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John H Smith, along with VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, APGM, and all the members of the Secretariat who had helped arrange the event. RWBro Gary R Horstman, Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Cheshire, and VWBro Ian D Nairn, PGJO, along with VWBro Michael Clarke, PGJO representing West Lancashire. The MBF was represented by WBro Darren Coleman-Heald, PGSD who also presented a substantial donation towards the Blood Bikes for £18,801 which was thankfully received.

The Blood Bikes Organisation was represented by Alice Burton Deputy Manager, Ric Clark Fleet Manager, Rob Murphy trustee, Steve Bellamy who is a Volunteer Rider and Ian O’Neill who doubles as a trustee and treasurer.

There are 36 member groups throughout the country with almost 4500 volunteer riders delivering blood, platelets, samples, surgical instruments, human donor milk and many other clinical products across the UK and Ireland. All the member groups are staffed by unpaid volunteer workers who assist the NHS with this wonderful service. Our thanks go to each one of them for the service they provide for the benefit of so many others.

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