1965 Rugby Lodge Consecrated

rugby mark lodge 1965.jpgFor brethren the consecration of a new Mark Lodge is a very rare but exciting event indeed. Over 100 brethren attended the consecrations of the new Rugby Lodge number 1965 in East Lancashire on the 30th April at Rochdale Masonic Hall.

In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master R W Bro Keith Partington Schofield with a strong Provincial Deputation.

SG1L6179-800x532.jpgThe opening was conducted in fine form by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW Bro Alex Sillars McLaren followed by the consecration which was presided over by the Provincial Grand Master. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro John Hartley Smith had the pleasure of installing the very first Worshipful Master Stephen Holt.

The lodge founders number 27 from 5 different provinces, East Lancashire, West Lancashire, NE Yorkshire, West Yorkshire and Cumberland and Westmorland. The lodge presented the new Director of Ceremonies with a red and yellow card along with a referee whistle which came into play at the social board.

SG1L6175-800x532.jpgThe social board was a very convivial affair the PGM confirmed that he had no hesitation in endorsing the new lodge.  He thanked all those who had taken part in the ceremony and those who had put in the hard work to get the lodge onto the field of play.  The PGM wished the lodge well; he believed the lodge will grow in strength. The PGM said the social board confirmed how well Mark Masons enjoyed each other’s company.

For those who wish to scrum down with the brethren check the East Lancashire website calendar for the new dates. The lodge will have at least one meeting in a different province each year allowing brethren to go on tour. Those wishing to join the lodge can contact the Secretary VW Bro Mervin Wilson at  mervynfrankwilson@btinternet.com

One thought on “1965 Rugby Lodge Consecrated

  1. Roger Norris Reply

    What a wonderful day. A very professional Consecration with no “knock ons” or anybody offside.
    A very recreational Social Board.
    A day of two halves.

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