2021 Festival – Dean Windass shares his love of Football

sportsman-dinner-2Friday 31st May saw a fantastic Sportsmans Dinner take place at Rochdale Masonic Hall. W.Bro Jamie Beninson organized the event to raise money for the 2021 East Lancashire Mark Festival. There were 90 brethren and guests in attendance including W.Bro Gerry Young APGM and  W.Bro Barry Heal the Provincial almoner, along with Mark Masons from East & West Lancashire and many non-masonic guests, all enjoying the event and experiencing the social side of Freemasonry. A hearty four-course meal was served which was enjoyed by all. 


The compare, Mr Malcolm Lord, from Rochdale had a wicked sense of humour and in the telling of many jokes made fun of us all. The guest speaker was none other than Dean Windass who began his football career with Hull City and told us about his illustrious career, moving from one club to another and finishing his footballing life working for Sky TV. He is now a well-known voice on the radio. At the end of the evening, a raffle took place with at least two East Lancashire Mark Masons walking away with prizes. Everyone departed to their homes & firesides by 10-30pm.

Picture and words by Thomas Stewart Mills

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