3 x 3 x 3 Three Peaks Challenge

Provincial Grand Charity Steward, Brendan Harte, successfully completed the Challenge in company with his Son and Grandson. He was also joined on the Snowdon climb by his nine-year-old Grand-daughter who heard of her brother playing in the snow at the top of Ben Nevis!.

Ben Nevis was both challenging, not only due to the distance and height, but the fact that the weather at the top comprised of cloud and horizontal sleet. It did not stop Grandson, Joshua making snow angels.

There was concern at the summit that the power from cell phones had drained by the cold temperature but fortunately, another couple photographed the completion of the climb before the team commenced the return downwards.

The mountain provided a strange sensation called ‘Jelly Legs’ on the descent which slowed that return to the mountain base, but the task was duly completed.

Scafell, a deceptive creature, was a surprise when Brendan’s iPhone stated that he had climbed the equivalent of 247 floors, and it felt like it! Whilst the distance of walking appears to be less than that of the other two Peaks the loose stone tracks in themselves were challenging. It was good to see other people engaged in the Three Peak Challenge for various Charities and the good weather allowed the various parties to acknowledge each other.

Snowdon was completed with an extra person in the group. Brendan’s Grand-daughter, Lucy, who after hearing of her brothers exploit in playing in the snow at the end of April wanted to experience the same on Snowdon. A glorious day helped the ascent with everyone able to complete the task safely.

It is always pleasing to complete a task that one has set oneself for the benefit of a Charity, in particularly the ELMBF. It makes Brendan proud that his family supported him in this task. The most amazing thing though, is the generosity of the Mark Masons of the Province of East Lancashire, individually and collectively of Mark and RAM Lodges who have either already given or have pledge money. For that Brendan is most grateful.

The full amount donated will be announced at the Provincial Meeting.

Thanks to Provincial Grand Charity Steward, Brendan Harte, for editorial and securing the images.

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