On Monday 23rd September 2013, the Provincial Grand Master RWBro. Keith Schofield attended Manchester Keystone Lodge of Mark Masters Masons No: 745 to celebrate the 50th anniversary in Mark Masonry of VWBro Arthur Axford which he had achieved on the 13th May 2012.
The Meeting was attended by many distinguished Guests including RW Bro Bryan R Ogden Provincial Grand Master Cheshire.
The Provincial Grand Master went through the milestones in VWBro Arthur Axfords fifty years in Mark Masonry.
Arthur, as we all know him, was born in Ashton Under Lyne, on 10th August 1921,

He was educated at Ashton Grammar School and joined the armed forces in 1939; he was commissioned into the 7th Manchester Regiment in 1942. He served through the Korean War and was in The Manchester Regiment (TA) and rose to be Hon Colonel, East Lanes ACF (1980-85).
He was awarded the MBE in 1958; OBE, 1964; TD, 1964; and was ADC to HM Queen (1965-70).
Arthur was High Sheriff of Greater Manchester in 1987-1988.
One of Arthur’s greatest loves is Golf and he can be seen each year at our East Lancashire Mark Golf Tournament.
Arthur’s masonic career started when he was initiated into Dene Head Lodge in 1960, and he was an APGM in the Craft 1978-1990 and was Deputy Grand Superintendent in the Chapter 1990-1996.
Arthur was advanced into Rose of York Lodge of Mark Master Masons on 13th February 1962 and was also a founder member of Stanley Mark in 1975, eventually going on to be a very active member of 9 Mark Lodges, in total.
He was appointed a Grand Steward in 1970 and rose to the rank of Acting Grand Master Overseer in 2001.
He became a member of the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and received Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 1981.
The Provincial Grand Master then said that the good wishes came not only from all the Brethren present but also from the entire Province and especially himself.
The Provincial Grand Secretary WBro Trevor Parvin, read from;
A Certificate of congratulations from the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.
A Certificate of congratulations from the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire, and a personal letter of congratulations from the Provincial Grand Master.
The Provincial Grand Master then presented the certificates and asked the Provincial Director of Ceremonies to escort VWBro Arthur Axford around the Lodge where he was acclaimed with much applause.