50 Years in Mossley 1381

On Monday 9th January 2023 Mossley Mark Lodge No 1381 held its first meeting of 2023 at Westholme Masonic Hall. This day was indeed a special one for the Master VWBro Malcolm C Moreland PGSO who, on the 8 January 1973, joined Mossley Mark Lodge No 1381 and has achieved 50 years of membership in the Mark Degree.

In attendance on this occasion were the Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith and VWBro David H Thompson APGM, along with 21 distinguished guests and members. Just as the Provincial Grand Master was to present a Grand Lodge certificate to Bro Gregory Brent the fire alarm system went into overdrive for around 5 minutes and the proceedings were halted. On this occasion, it was a false alarm which was a great relief to everyone.

The PGM concluded with the explanation of the certificate in a fitting manner and Bro Brent then took his rightful place in the Lodge. The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to talk about the history of VWBro Malcolm C Moreland who over many years had achieved so much and given so much to masonry in general. 100% a Mark Man.

The meeting came to a peaceful conclusion and was closed at 1:45. Onto the dining room were 21 brethren sat down to a nice dinner of either steak or fish followed by cheese and biscuits. A great start to the new season ahead in the Mark Degree.

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