50 years, still going strong

On 3rd October 2022, St Andrews Mark Lodge met at Salford to celebrate Brian Sigsworth’s
achievement of 50 years as a Mark Mason.
Within the Lodge, Brian was presented with a certificate by the PGM John Hartley Smith, who, during
the presentation recalled Brian’s work in not just this Province but also in West Lancs, Cheshire and
East Lancs where Brian had served with distinction as Secretary and Director of Ceremonies within a
number of Mark and RAM Lodges. The PGM also went on to tell the Brethren present about Brian’s
exploits within his chosen career of textiles where he had the position of Director.
The event was attended by many of Brian’s friends from across the Provinces. Distinguished guests
included three past Provincial Grand Masters, our present Provincial Grand Master, John Hartley
Smith, the Deputy and both Assistants, which was a measure of the esteem to which Brian is held
within East Lancashire and beyond.
The Brethren then sat down to a fine luncheon, at which Cliff Jewel recalled their great friendship
over those 50 years and when Brian and Cliff pledged to attend each other’s next landmark which
will be 60 years, to which every Brother present was invited.
At the Social Board, the PGM spoke again about Brian’s distinguished service to the degree,
highlighting his many achievements. The PGM noted Brian had served the Province well and
continues to support a number of Lodges within both Province’s.

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