50th Celebration for County Palatine 156

What a night County Palatine Royal Ark Mariners No 156 hosted a celebration for its 50th year, slightly behind schedule due to covid. The Lodge, consecrated on 23rd November 1970, laid on a splendid occasion with 30 brethren in attendance. The newly appointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master, David George Rainford, took the chair for part of the evening and presented the lodge with a warrant confirming 50 years of continuous working. Rod Geeson provided some entertainment with recollections of members past and present, all done in the best possible taste.

Once ashore we were treated to very nice champagne and canape reception. The meal along with the odd bottle of wine and some very fine Douro Port. The evening and the food just became better and better proving once again Mark Masonry is the friendly degree.

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