50th for TSB Mark

Monday, 4th April at Bury Masonic Hall, Thomas Sharples Barlow Lodge of Mark Masons No 1383 held a special meeting to celebrate the lodge’s 50th anniversary. In attendance was WBro David G Rainford, DepPGM along with the two APGM’s.

The lodge room was nearly at capacity, with many distinguished Grand Lodge officers in attendance and 5 from the deputation team. For the first time in the Mark Province of East Lancashire, we were joined by 3 junior brethren as stone bearers who paraded in with the DepPGM and the deputation team.

The history of 50 years was compiled by WBro Dr John R Walters, PJGD, who gave a splendid talk about the lodge’s history from 1971-2021 along with a booklet for all the brethren to take home.

The business of the meeting being ended we then proceeded to the dining room to enjoy a lovely 4-course meal. During the evening, the Worshipful Master was presented with a 50th-year celebration cake which was then shared with all present. A splendid evening was had by all.

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