50th of Bro John Keith Wareing

On Thursday 3 November at Freemasons Hall, Clayton Le Moors, Accrington, The George Farnworth Nuttall Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1405 held a special meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Brother John Keith Wareing. The Lodge was opened at 7:00 pm by the Worshipful Master Bro. Gordon Fletcher PProvGSO who welcomed the Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith and a Provincial deputation.

The Worshipful Master invited the PGM to accept the gavel which he did and proceeded to give the history of WBro Waring’s amazing life, working for British Rail for over 35 years and his subsequent dedication to teaching young people the dangers of being around the railways in general, at various schools around the country. He also referred to WBro Keith Waring’s hard work at Priory Close which he takes great pride in.

The Provincial Grand Master then honoured WBro Keith Waring with Provincial RAM Grand Rank and a promotion to PProvGSW in the Mark Degree. This was met with acclaim by the Brethren present. WBro Waring was overwhelmed by what had just happened and thanked the Provincial Grand Master and the brethren. The proceedings of the day being ended the Lodge was closed at 8:05 pm.

Onto the social board where we all enjoyed a lovely two-course meal. On this occasion, a raffle was held and raised a substantial amount for good causes.

A delightful evening for all who attended this very special occasion.

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