Padiham Masonic Hall was the venue where more than 60 members and wives attended a very interesting and informative evening to mark the end of the drive to have an emergency defibrillator in the four Masonic Halls in the district.
The meeting commenced promptly at 7pm when the Deputy Chairman Jeff Ward introduced some of the distinguished guests present which included the Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Degree Keith Partington Schofield, APGM Norman Cope and the Provincial Grand Almoner Brian Carter along with Simon Doyle the Chief Co-ordinator for the First Response Team and his team of 9 members who were supporting the event giving instruction and talks in the various sections.
In his opening remarks Simon thanked not only everyone for being with us but also all the Lodges, Chapters, Individual brethren within the District , and for the kind support given by the Mark Degree to make a success of the appeal. He then handed over to the Provincial
Grand Almoner who gave an insight to what 1st Responders do and gave examples of where other defibrillators were installed before he handed over to Simon Doyle to begin what was a serious, but at times hilarious meeting in the way Simon went through various points. As can be seen by the many photos everyone became involved at having a go at “reviving the Little Annies” who were “collapsed on the floor”. Even the Mark Provincial Grand Master and the APGM got down to it (I’ll bet Christine was amused finally seeing Norman on his knees). Frank Simpson insisted on reviving the Deputy Chairman (much to everyone’s chagrin) although he put a sticker on his shoes saying “do not revive” whilst Jeff was not looking.
The evening was closed by the Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Degree RWBro Keith Partington Schofield who had offered to fund any shortfall in the purchase of the defibrillators through the East Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund and took the opportunity to present Simon and his team with a cheque for £200 in appreciation of their hard work.
From the number of comments and e-mails received after the event many members have said how much they had enjoyed the presentation and felt much more confident should they ever need to use the equipment in an emergency (everyone present being given a card to mark their new found qualification). It is recommended by Simon Doyle that every 12 months or so members should have a refresher talk.