60 Royal Ark Mariners

On 31st October at Rochdale Masonic Hall the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers RAM Lodge No 990 held their investiture meeting. 

In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master of East Lancs along with his two APGM’s, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney along with a full deputation team visit. It is at the half-yearly meeting when the Provincial Grand Master takes the opportunity to invest the newly appointed officers with RAM Provincial Grand Rank. On this occasion, there were 12 brethren who were given the rank and a certificate. It was nice to see the room full with around 60 Royal Ark Mariners in attendance.

The proceedings of the Lodge being ended it was closed in peace love and harmony. Onto the social board were 56 brethren sat down to a three-course meal.

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