Pictures from Mark Fellowship Dinner 2016

CAM_0956We had a great night at the Mark Fellowship dinner. With 170 guests it was a sellout. The venue was once again the Holiday Inn at Bolton with us dining in the Cloisters which is an old church formed as part of the hotel.

Here are the pictures from the evening. If you want a Hi-Res version to put in a frame perhaps just make a note of the image number and send me an email by clicking here

Click on any of the images and it will open in a larger view. You can then use the left or right arrows on the keyboard or click left or right on the image with the mouse. To escape back to the website click anywhere on the image or press the escape key on the keyboard.


6 thoughts on “Pictures from Mark Fellowship Dinner 2016

  1. Malcolm R McCarthy (East Lancashire Mark Fellowship Chairman) Reply

    East Lancashire Mark Fellowship – Cabaret Evening

    May I take this opportunity of thanking everyone who attended the Cabaret Evening and making it an extremely enjoyable evening.

    The Holiday Inn has been booked for the Cabaret Evening next year but this will be on Saturday 18 November 2017 as the hotel already has a previous booking for the week later.

    Thank you once again for all your support and the Seasons Greetings to you and your families.

  2. thomas stewart mills Reply

    my wife & i would just like to say. what a very nice evening it was. the meal was served hot & tasty. as for the dancing. just a great night out.

    1. Bob Summers Reply

      Glad you enjoyed it. We think its the best value night in the calendar. Let us hope they put it on again next year. Did you see your picture in the gallery?

  3. Bob Summers Reply

    Absolutely terrific night. To be honest I think the venue is the star of the evening. Great value for money too, where can you get a venue, a meal, entertainment and dancing for £25.00 plus a special room rate to stay over. This is one of our favourite events of the year.
    Congratulations to the Fellowship team who put this together, I know what it takes to produce such a successful event.
    Can we go again next year please.

    1. Bill Johnson Reply

      Thanks for the great photos Bob your a star

      1. Bob Summers Reply

        Your welcome; I had a lot of fun taking them.

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