990 Mark at Manchester Hall

On Tuesday 25th October at Manchester Hall, the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge No 990 held their installation meeting. In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master along with the two APGM’s, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney.

The Worshipful Master, Dr Simon K Archer, PGJD, opened the Lodge at 6:05 pm with 48 brethren in attendance. He welcomed the Provincial Grand Master, John H Smith and offered him the gavel which was returned to the Worshipful Master.

The main proceedings of the evening was to install WBro George H Scaife into the chair of this prestigious Mark Master’s Lodge. The Worshipful Master carried out the installation of the Master Elect in an outstanding manner into the chair of Adoniram. WBro Scaife then appointed and invested his new team into their respective offices.

The business of the Lodge being ended the Lodge closed at 8:05 pm. Onto the social board where 46 brethren sat down to a silver service 3-course meal. A good time was had by us all. 

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