990 Mark – Provincial Grand Officers Lodge

Although Manchester Hall has been opened since 2nd November 2017 I suspect the number of East Lancashire Freemasons who have visited the fantastic new building is relatively small. The developers have transformed the old Freemasons Hall into Manchesters premier eating and entertainment centre. They have retained however the crucial Masonic Rooms that Freemasons from the building will recognise and be comfortable with. 990 Mark Provincial Grand Officers Lodge held its Installation meeting in the Goulburn Lodge rooms on Tuesday 29th October, the room is very much as you will remember but I’m sure there is a new timber effect flooring installed. Around 90+ members of this prestigious lodge sat comfortably around the Goulburn Lodge room with room to spare whilst the Installation proceedings took place. These words really don’t do justice to the room at all. It’s a spectacular Lodge room and one that presents Freemasonry to the very foundations. Totally recommend that you either join a Lodge that meet there or at the very least pay a visit. You won’t be disappointed.

The business of the Lodge, which included the donation of £1250.00 to the 2021 Mark Festival, the E.L.M.B.F and costs towards the running of the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting for 2021 plus a notice of motion to receive new members was smoothly delivered by the Worshipful Master, with the necessary donation cheques presented to the Provincial Grand Master V.W.Bro Alexander Sillas Mclaren.

W.Bro Graham Mangham then ably installed his successor W.Bro David Rainsbury into the Worshipful Master’s Chair. 

The festive board dinner was held in the Goulburn Suite which again has been transformed. I spotted the old wall lights which I think were originally downstairs in one of the old Lodge rooms and the new chandelier really set off the room. I can see why it is popular for weddings and such. 

The meals at Manchester Hall are, as expected from a top dining establishment, very good, and the prices for dining are reasonable for what you receive. Not only that the level of service is great and your meal is delivered with a smile. The vegetarian option is always worth a look and there is usually a fish option, so lots of choices.  The toasts and responses from various officers were as always kept to a minimum, the brethren were reminded of the 2021 Festival with only 20 months to go and the need for recruitment of new members to the Mark Degree. 

I can confirm that the Provincial Mark Masons on my table had a wonderful evening at Manchester Hall and thoroughly enjoyed the entire proceedings.  


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