990 RAM installation meeting

On Monday, 30th January at the Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 990 held their installation meeting.
In attendance were the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith, and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master WBro David G Rainford. Also in attendance were 45 members and visitors to the meeting.

The evening proceedings were conducted by the Worshipful Commander, WBro Paul M Holt RAMGR who installed WBro David K Combes RAMGR into the chair of this very prestigious Lodge in a confident and competent manner. The newly installed Worshipful Commander then proceeded to install the new team into their respective offices. A donation was given to the ELMBF and to the annual Provincial meeting which this year is being held at Bolton Town Hall in May.

After the Lodge was closed at 7:35, all the brethren made their way to the dining room where they were served a pleasant 3 course meal. With plenty of chatting and banter around the room, it was a very enjoyable evening.


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