990 RAM – Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank Investiture

Monday 30th September and over 80 Royal Ark Mariners arrived at Rochdale Masonic Hall for the mid-meeting of the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners no. 990. The main business of the evening was the Investiture of brethren with their Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank.

The Lodge was opened at 6.15 pm prompt by the Worshipful Commander, PC Michael Green. After dealing with various items of a domestic nature, a report was received and the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Steven Lawlor was admitted. He announced that the RW Provincial Grand Master was in attendance without, together with a sizeable deputation and that the PGM demanded admission. Unsurprisingly, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Alexander Sillars McLaren and his team were admitted in procession.

The Provincial Grand Master assumed the chair and introduced all the members of the Provincial delegation. He then explained the purpose of the visit and proceeded to invest a number of brethren with their Provincial Rank. The newly appointed holders of Provincial rank were saluted in due form and W.Bro. Howard Nuttall responded to the salutations on their behalf.

The WC then resumed his rightful place in the Lodge. Following further domestic business, the PGM and the delegation retired from the Lodge to enthusiastic applause.

There followed a very pleasant social board with a great deal of chatter and banter which was enjoyed by all and by 9.30 pm, the business of the evening was concluded and the brethren were on their way home.

Undoubtedly, Royal Ark Mariner Masonry at its best.

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