994 witness RAM Elevation

On Thursday, 1st December at Hemsley House, The Crescent, Salford, Salford Royal Ark Mariners and Salford Mark Lodges No 994 held their regular meeting. However, on this special occasion VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, APGM, along with a Deputation team were in attendance to witness a RAM Elevation.

The Worshipful Commander, PC Joe Simon ProvRAMGR, thanked VWBro Thompson for taking time out to attend this meeting along with his Deputation team and offered him the Sceptre which on this occasion he returned to the Worshipful Commander. On this special day there was a visitor from over the water RWBro Martin Blackburn, Past Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Man who came to the UK for a Masonic meeting the following day.

Onto the important business of the evening that being the Elevation of WBro Geoffrey Baillie which was carried out by the Worshipful Commander Joe Simon in a very fitting manner along with the brethren of the Lodge. The next item was to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro James McCorkindale which was presented by VWBro J A Huddart, PGSO, PAPGM, in which he explained the certificate in fine detail. The Ark was finally moored up and the Lodge was closed.

This was followed by a quick turnaround into the Mark degree for a short business meeting where the election of various officers took place. Onto the social board were 23 brethren sat down to a 3 course meal followed by the usual raffle which on this occasion raised a substantial amount for good causes.

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