A great night for some new and old faces

Skelmersdale RAM docked on Tuesday the 15th of February at 6 pm sharp. With the aim of electing a new Commander. W Bro Graham Jones drew the short straw for which he thanked all present.

The meeting was swiftly followed by Skelmersdale Mark, to once again proclaim W Bro Bob Summers as the Worshipful Master. At both meetings, the lodge members were joined by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master David Hedley Thompson, accompanied by a small deputation of Provincial Officers. The APGM passing on the best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master.
The social board was a lively affair, a fine meal was enjoyed by all present. The APGM paid tribute to the lodge for its efforts in respect of the recent Mark festival. The APGM went on to give an account of the support the Province has given to the hospices nominated by lodges in the Province in particular Willow Wood nominated by Skelmersdale Lodge. The W M Bob Summers addressed all present explaining to some of the newer members and visitors what a privilege it is to be Master of any Lodge. The WM suggested with numbers growing the brethren might want to consider moving from two to three meetings a year as the work upstairs and the social board were fine affairs.

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One thought on “A great night for some new and old faces

  1. Mark Rowe Reply

    Enjoyed myself on the night great work upstairs and a happy social board. Well done Bob and Peter for conducting things. Next time I will put my new East Lancs Prov tie on not my old one lol.

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