A minutes silence adopted

On Thursday, 8th September at Audenshaw Masonic Hall, Semper Paratus Lodge No 852 held their installation meeting.

In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master, along with 24 brethren including RWBro Alex McLaren, Past Provincial Grand Master along with3 chain bearers.

The Lodge was opened at 6:34 by the acting Worshipful Master Bro Andrew Higson, Provincial Grand Secretary. The installation of the new Master WBro John M Slater, PProvGStB was carried out by RWBro John Hartley Smith, in a most fitting manner indeed.

The proceedings of the meeting were halted by the Provincial Grand Master,to inform the brethren that Her Majesty The Queen had passed away peacefully that afternoon. A minute’s silence was adopted.

The Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his officers in their respective places with every office filled. The Lodge closed in harmony at 8:12. Onto the social board with 23 brethren who sat down to a three-course meal. The raffle raised a very substantial amount for good causes.

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