Adoniram and the Wardrobe Malfunction

It was a very pleasant and amicable Installation at Adoniram 1065 Mark Lodge. The APGM W.Bro Tony Davies and a delegation arrived early to get a  quick practice in and to see the layout of the lodge. Almost immediately we were welcomed with open arms and laughter. The Masonic Hall on Adelaide Street Accrington is a real Gem. They have a proper bar including hand-pulled special beers and even tea or coffee.

Members of 1065 Adoniram started to gather and make their way into the lodge room along with many visitors. You could tell the evening was going to be special, I guess it was all the smiling faces that gave the game away.  The APGM and delegation eventually were admitted and the business of installing Bro Malcolm Roe got underway. The installing master was WBro Thomas Pearson, and what a jovial and happy chap he is. The ceremony of Installation went very well until the investiture of the collar and apron. Somehow the installing master lost control of his IPM apron and got confused with the WM apron. Bit of a malfunction all told. Thomas handled it all very well and everyone had a smile on their faces throughout the debacle. 

The newly installed master Malcolm Roe sat comfortably in the chair and looked very competent indeed. Several cheques were presented to the APG totalling £250.00 for various East Lancs charities. 

Normally at this stage in the proceedings the APGM and deputation are asked if they want to retire but on this occasion APGM W.Bro. Tony Davies chose to remain in the lodge, as there was to be a rendition of the valedictory address, something which I never heard in the Mark Degree. I think it was delivered by WBro Keith Proctor, and forgive me if it wasn’t.  It was well worth hearing and finished off a special installation ceremony extremely well.

Our social board was a cracking affair with a hearty meal and the lengthy toasts and responses from those in office. All said it was an excellent evening of Mark Degree Masonry among very experienced and laid back Freemasons. I can recommend it to all Craft Masons wholeheartedly. 



One thought on “Adoniram and the Wardrobe Malfunction

  1. Bob Summers Reply

    I would appreciate a copy of the Valedictory address from the ceremony. If you have a copy please let me know here. There have already been several requests for it.

    many thanks

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