The Installation meeting took place at Canons Close Masonic Hall, Adelaide Street, Accrington on 24th November 2015.
The Lodge was honoured by the presence of WBro Anthony John Davies PGStwd, APGM accompanied by a Provincial Escort. WM Bro.David McGurty installed WBro Antony Hindle, Master Elect, as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year, assisted by the Officers of the Lodge.
Item number 9 on the summons was to receive propositions and certain sums of money to be donated to worthy causes. WM announced that £25 will go to the Widows of the Lodge for Christmas, £50 to Priors Close, £100 to ELMBF, £200 for the 2021 Festival (as well as £100 pounds collected at the previous meeting), and £50 to defray the cost of Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Meeting.

During the Social Board the WM handed over the 4 cheques to the APGM WBro Tony Davies and thanked the APGM for his first visit in his current rank to Adoniram Lodge. He also thanked the Provincial Escort Team, Officers of his Lodge and the visitors.
There were 35 Masons who dined; the collection for good causes raised £69.78 and the raffle raised sum of £143. WBro Tony Davies APGM responded by thanking WBro Hindle who was the IPM, volunteered to be put back in the Chair again for the first time in Adoniram Lodge history.
The APGM also mentioned about improving communication between the Sectaries and the Members. As some Lodges only meet 2 or 3 time of the year, at risings communications are given on events that have already passed, with Brethren consequently missing out on such events. He also emphasised recruitment; there are only 1000 Mark Mason out of 4500 Craft members – Lodges should encourage these members to Join the Mark Degree. Encouragement should also be given to inviting guests to meetings – invite them back to the Social Board and ask if they want to join your lodge.
Mention was also made that so far, in a short space of time £65,000 has been raised for the 2021 Festival and almost 70% of the Lodges have already contributed. Charity Stewards should proactively arrange events to raise money like the ‘Duck Race’ meeting success.
Report by WBro Sushil Rawal ProvGMO