Adoniram Mark Lodge No 1065 Installation

AccringtonOn Tuesday 26th November 2014, W.Bro. John Smith, P.G.Stwd., A.Prov.G.M. attended the Installation of Adoniram Mark Lodge, Accrington.

There were 39 brethren present to witness the Installation of Bro. David McGurty in a flawless ceremony performed by W.Bro. Anthony Hindle, WM.

There were several interesting features of the meeting which caught the attention. In particular, the Lodge called off after the inner workings for approximately 10 minutes – quite unusual in our Order. At the end of the meeting, a valedictory address was given which again is quite unique.

The Lodge generously made donations to the 2021 Festival, ELMBF and Priors Close which were gratefully received.

Following the meeting, a very happy Social Board took place with a rendition of the Masters Song included.

A superb evening of happy, friendly Mark Masonry.

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