Advancement at Rectitude 18 T.I. – with 2 PGMs !

On Tuesday 27th September 2016 the PGM RW Bro. Alexander Sillars McLaren accompanied by WBro Martin Caller ProvGMO & WBro. Stephen J Lawlor ProvAGDC made a pastoral visit to Rectitude 18 T.I. at the Masonic Hall, Rawtenstall. The main reason for the visit was to support the advancement of Bro Keith Walker a Master Mason of Tranquility with Hospitality 274.

The Candidate, Bro.Keith Walker, flanked by RWBro Trevor Walker, PGM of LIncolnshire and RWBro Alex Sillars McLaren our own PGM.
The Candidate, Bro.Keith Walker, flanked by RWBro Trevor Walker, PGM of LIncolnshire and RWBro Alex Sillars McLaren our own PGM.

The Lodge was opened by the W.M. Bro. Paul Cartwright and after a reading of the summons and the previous meetings minutes being passed, the ProvAGDC entered the Lodge to announce that the PGM was in attendance accompanied by the ProvGMO. Also in attendance was a very distinguished guest of the lodge, RW Bro. Trevor Walker, the Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Province of Lincolnshire.

RW Bro. Walker was there to support the candidate for advancement, his brother Bro. Keith Walker. A ballot was taken & much to the relief of all in attendance the ballot proved favourable and Bro Walker was advanced to the honourable degree of a Mark Master Mason.The signs & secrets of the degree especially, were communicated to Bro Walker in an exemplary manner by the W.M.

WBro. Andrew Greenhalgh ProvAGSec, a member of the Lodge & Senior Deacon conducted the candidate throughout the ceremony quite magnificently, also giving a faultless explanation of the working tools of the degree.

WBro. Greenhalgh’s work was not over yet! He proceeded to give an excellent explanation of the Grand Lodge Certificate prior to it being presented to the recipient Bro Barry J.W Howorth by the PGM.

RW Bro. Walker gave greetings on behalf of Grand Mark Lodge. He welcomed his brother to this wonderful degree and complimented the W.M & his officers on such a well worked ceremony. After giving his own greetings at the second rising, the PGM retired from the Lodge.

The fellowship at the festive board was a heart warming affair. WBro David Russell who was Bro Walkers proposer, gave a humorous toast to the candidate which was well received by the Brethren.

In response to the visitors toast RW Bro.Walker congratulated WBro Russell on achieving something that he hadn’t managed to do over many years, to persuade his brother not only to become a Freemason but to join Mark Master Masonry in particular!

On behalf of all the visitors, he thanked the Lodge members for their warm welcome & fellowship.The festive board was concluded and all in attendance were left feeling richer for the evenings transactions.

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