Another 100 not out for Canon’s Close !

Mrs Jenny Collier reached the wonderful age of 100 on 20th October 2018.

Attending the celebrations on behalf of the Mark Degree were the Provincial Grand Master and his wife Leslie. The Chairman of the ELMBF Howard Nuttall and his wife Carole. The Provincial Almoner Barry Heal and my wife Eva and I and 75 guests in total.

Jenny was born in 1918 and spent all her life in Great Lever, Bolton until moving to Barlow House. Canon’s Close in 2005.

At 11 Jenny gained a scholarship to The County Grammar School, matriculated with distinctions and at age 16 started working in the Civil Service in Manchester. She recalls travelling by train into the City during the blackout.

She married Horace in 1942 who was a lecturer in textiles and worked at the then Bolton Institute until he retired.

Jenny returned to work in 1960 after her 2 daughters were born and worked until she retired at 65.

Jenny and Horace celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1992. Unfortunately, Horace died of a heart attack in 1995. They both felt blessed with having six grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

When she moved into Barlow House, she carried on doing charity work and attending groups at St Peter’s Halliwell and is still going strong.

Over my time as chairman of the Management Committee it has been a pleasure and a privilege to get to know Jenny, a lovely lady whom I am proud to call a friend. Hence it was an honour for me, on this special day, to be able to propose a toast to her continued health.


No1. Her cake and a card from the Queen.
No 2 Guests arriving. Leslie McLaren, Howard Nuttall, Carole Nuttall,
Alex McLaren and behind him Barry Heal.
No3 Me with Jenny after the toast
No4 Jenny with a sparkly candle
No5 Jenny cutting the cake
No6 The PGM and Leslie with Jenny
No7 Howard and Carole with Jenny
No8 Barry Heal

One thought on “Another 100 not out for Canon’s Close !

  1. Jacqueline McGuinness Reply

    What a great achievement Jenny, it was an honour for residents of Barlow House, to come along and help you celebrate your 100th birthday. A good time was had by all. xxx

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