APGM Tony Davies presents Festival Honours at Mossley RAM 1381

mossley-masonic-hall-jpgLast night, Thurs 3rd March, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Tony Davies ProvRAMGR braved the elements to visit the Mariners of Mossley RAM 1381.

He gave a most enlightening talk not only about about the Mark 2021 Festival, but also about the origins of the Mark Benevolent Fund, its aims and achievements. Mention was also made of forthcoming events and the new Festival initiative requesting Brethren to donate unwanted mobile phones and CDs which would be sold to raise funds. He concluded by reporting that the Festival total now stands at £85000 thanks to not only Lodge donations but those from individual Brethren such as WBro Barry Rhodes RAMGR, who he then presented with with a Grand Patron Certificate and Collarette. Life Subscriber Jewels and Certificates were also presented to Past Commander WBro Mark Rowe and Worshipful Commander Bro David Dredge.

WBro Mark Rowe, WBro Tony Davies ProvRAMGR, APGM, Bro David Dredge Worshipful Commander and WBro Barry Rhodes RAMGR
WBro Mark Rowe, WBro Tony Davies ProvRAMGR, APGM, Bro David Dredge Worshipful Commander and WBro Barry Rhodes RAMGR

The evening ended with 16 Lodge Members and 3 Visitors sitting down to a most convivial Social Board with the Worshipful Commander and his Wardens splicing the main brace with a tot of rum !

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