Austria – New Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1954

vienna06CONSECRATION of a new Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1954 in Austria.
New Quarries Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1903,(EC) was founded in 2009 in Vienna and already has over 100 members and a long list of potential candidates for Advancement. The membership is made up of Masons from many countries who have been assigned by companies/universities etc. to posts in Vienna for periods of time and want to continue with their masonic activities. At the latest count there were over 15 different nationalities including most European countries, USA, West Indies, Sri Lanka etc. One common factor is that all the brethren speak English language, some better than others, and English is used in all ceremonies.

CK DWA number of founder members of the Lodge decided to petition for another Mark Master Masons Lodge to meet in Vienna under the name of St Margaret’s Lodge No 1954 on the register of the Grand Lodge of M.M.Ms of England and Wales and it’s Districts and Lodges Overseas. The new Lodge will hold its regular meetings at Palace Franz-Stephan von Lothringen (“Kaiserhaus”) Wallnerstraße 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria. This is where New Quarries MMM Lodge and New Shores RAM Lodge hold their meetings.
W.Bro Cyril Kennerley PAGDC and W.Bro David Wood PProvGSOv., both members of Keep Lodge of MMMs No 911 have been regular visitors to New Quarries Lodge of MMMs and New Shores Lodge of RAMs No 1903 since they were founded and readily accepted an invitation from the W,Master of New Quaries Lodge to attend the Consecration and Installation meetings.


Schlosshotel-Rosenau-Austria_Beautiful-Austrian-castle-_14697The Consecration Ceremony took place at Rosenau Castle near the town of Swettl in the region known as Lower Austria, about 90 miles from Vienna on 27th September 2014. The Castle houses the AUSTRIAN MUSEUM of FREEMASONRY and more fascinating information can be found on the web-site ( The original castle was built in 1593 and renovated between 1736 and 1747 by the Duke of Schallenberg, who was a Freemason, and a Church and hospital were added. During renovation work in 1970’s some of the rooms were identified as a mid to late. 18th Century Masonic Lodge room and many of the items found can be seen in the Museum.

Ceremony of Consecration. A full delegation of Grand Lodge Officers from UK lead by Deputy Grand Master V.W.Bro. H. Keith Emmerson, the Consecrating Officer, and including The Grand Director of Ceremonies , Grand Secretary , Grand Chaplin and several other Grand Officers of United Grand Lodge of England. The Consecrating Officer very ably assisted by the Grand DC conducted the proceedings in an immaculate manner. The Consecrating Officer opened a Lodge of Mark Master Masons and was saluted. During the Ceremony the The Lodge was Constituted by the Consecrating Officer followed by an Oration by the Grand Chaplin on the nature and purpose of our Institution which was well received by the Brethren. The Warrant of the new Lodge, St Margaret’s Lodge of MMMs No 1903 was read to the petitioners arranged in order in the East and they approved of the Master and Wardens named in the Warrant with the sign of fidelity. The Consecrating Officer dedicated and Consecrated the Lodge
Installation of the first Master of St Margaret’s Lodge
The current W.M. of the Mother Lodge, New Quarries Lodge of MMMs No 1903, W.Bro. Andreas Schoberwalter was presented and installed according to antient custom. He was then saluted, proclaimed and entrusted with the Warrant by the Consecrating Officer and proceeded to appoint and invest the First Officers of the Lodge and to approve the Lodge By-Laws. The Consecrating Officer and his Assisting Officers were elected Honorary Members of St Margarets Lodge of MMMs before retiring in procession. Before closing the Lodge the newly appointed W.M. completed the general business of the Lodge and a vote was included for 14 joining members.
Lunch An excellent buffet lunch was served during which the members of the Grand Lodge Delegation mingled freely and conversed warmly with the brethren present. After lunch the Grand Lodge Delegation returned to Vienna. All the brethren present were full of praise for the way that the Consecration Ceremony was performed, without reference to notes and the very easy manner of the GL Delegation
ChapelInstallation of W. Master of New Quarries Lodge of MMMs No 1903 (EC) The Lodge room was prepared for the Mark Degree Ceremony and the current WM, W.Bro Andreas Schoberwalter installed Bro. Gordon Murray a professor at Vienna University, as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year and the WM invested the Treasurer and appointed and Invested his other officers for 2014 – 2015 During the ceremony live Piano, Violin and Cello music was played in the Lodge by Bro. Christian Schultz and other brethren

Installation of W.Master for New Shores Lodge of RAMs No. 1903(EC)
The Third Installation of the day was for the new W.Master of New Shores Lodge of RAMs, W.Bro. Angel Kolev who was installed by W.Bro Edwin Samarawickreme The ceremony took place in the original 18th century lodge room containing much of the original furniture and masonic symbols carved into the stone walls. The WM invested the Treasurer and appointed and Invested his other officers for 2014 – 2015
Commemoration Mass
A Commemoration Mass celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Consecration of New Quarries MMMs Lodge and the Consecration of St Margaret’s MMMs Lodge was held in the Castle Church. Bro. Rev. Michael Weninger officiated at the Mass which was attended by most masons present of all faiths as well as local villagers, this being their local church. Bro Rev Michael was installed and Invested as Chaplin in each of the three lodges Installation ceremonies during the day being well qualified since he lives in the Vatican as a member of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue but works in Rome.
Ladies Dinner
After the Mass concluded, the brethren, many of them accompanied by wives and girlfriends, enjoyed a Celebration Banquet where typical local food including Truffled Cream of White Bread Soup, Roasted Beef with chive sauce, apple sauce and horseradish sauce with Parch potatoes, followed by Stewed plums with poppy-seed noodles and excellent local wines were served. W.Bro Gordon Murray, newly installed W.Master of New Quarries Lodge, presided at the banquet and spoke of his plans for the improvement of the work in the Lodge and expanding charitable work.

words and pictures by Cyril Kennerley

3 thoughts on “Austria – New Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1954

  1. […] (Ancient Free and Accepted Masons) and is also a Chaplain in at least three Masonic lodges and also ...
  2. Bob Summers Reply

    Its not every day you go to three Installations. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Thanks for submitting your report and pictures. I’m sure Mark Masons will be interested in your travels.

    1. cyril Kennerley Reply

      Hi Bob, thanks for putting my article on the visit to Austria on the web site.
      It is surprisingly easy to put something in orbit in the ether if you have contact with someone with your skills and enthusiasm.
      If anyone has some questions I will be pleased to try to answer them
      S&F Cyril Kennerley

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