Temperance Mark Lodge No.56 and Jamie Beninson – Provincial Grand Charity Steward

One of the great things about being on the Provincial Deputation is visiting new places or ones you haven’t been to for a while and then realising what a beautiful part of the world we actually live in. Such a place is Todmorden, where last night a 34 strong Deputation visited Temperance Mark 56.… Read more “Temperance Mark Lodge No.56 and Jamie Beninson – Provincial Grand Charity Steward”

Evening of Laughter raises over £3000 !

Brethren first of all THANK YOU to all who supported Jamie in his fund raising efforts at a packed-out Littleborough Cricket Club on Saturday night !


Provincial Grand Charity Steward Jamie Beninson announced he raised

Union 171 Installation

On Monday night, the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren together with the Deputy WBro John Hartley Smith and both Assistant PGMs – WBros Anthony John Davies and Gerald Noel Howard Young, accompanied by a Provincial Deputation “crossed the border” into

Canons Close News

The residents group met on the 14th March, we were treated to a talk by W. Bro. John Yates ” From Bricks to Boats and back again” about life on a narrow boat, which was very enlightening.

We were treated to WBro.Gordon… Read more “Canons Close News”