Canons Close News

CC1The morning mists rolling across the gardens
make us aware that Autumn is creeping up on us.
The gardens though are still very colourful with begonias
and lobelia while the newly planted roses are

Vacancies at Canons Close

Canons CloseVacancies have now arisen at ELMBFs purpose-built development and here’s a report from one of its long-term residents, WBro Geoff Bleackley – Canons Close is a small enclave of bungalows and flats in

Ronald Eadie – 50 Years in Mark Masonry!

On the 12th May, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Alex McLaren attended Quatuor Legati Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1165 to celebrate 50 years in Mark Masonry with WBro Ronald Anderson Eadie. The Deputy