Provincial Grand Master Announces Retirement

PGMRWBro Keith P Schofield GMRAC, Provincial Grand Master will retire at Midnight on Wednesday 23rd September 2015. During his address at the Provincial Meeting on Wednesday 27th May he said: “At my investiture in November 2003 in

Union Mark 32 – Jim Noble’s 60th

Union Mark 32The PGM RWBro Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC, accompanied by a delegation of 28 members of Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the 60th Anniversary celebrations for WBro James Noble PProvGSW at Union Lodge of Mark Master

Middleton RAM 1303 Installation

RAM Triangle 150 x 136A Provincial Deputation of 28 Brethren, led by the PGM, RWBro Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC attended the Installation of Bro Keith Turner as

Keep Lodge 911 Charity Evening

Swan & Royal Pub Clitheroe“Clitheroe ?? Where’s that ?” cried us Manc types as the PGM attempted yet again to draw us outside the comfort zone of the M60, ever further north. Now it’s years since I’ve been to Clitheroe and you forget what a