Rose of York RAM 1010

TEP with PSOn Friday 5th December, the coldest day of the winter so far, Rose of York Royal Ark Mariner Lodge held their Installation meeting. The warmth of welcome to WBro Trevor Parvin, Provincial Grand Secretary, the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master however made it seem

Secretarius Lodge No.1932

PGM5 (1)The 6th meeting of Secretarius Lodge 1932 took place on Friday last, 21st November at Middleton Masonic Hall.

The Brethren of the Lodge and numerous distinguished guests, accompanied by their Ladies, enjoyed

Union 171 – the finest soup in all Christendom

uppermill-masonic-hall-jpgAn enjoyable evening was had by all on Monday night in wild and windy Uppermill for the Advancement Ceremony of Bro.Roy Tindall.
The WM, WBro Ian Wolstencroft ably assisted by the Officers of Union Lodge 171, performed the