Daytime Lodge in Manchester

Union Mark Lodge No 32 of Mark Masons held their daytime Lodge meeting at Manchester Hall on Wednesday, 8th March. The Lodge was opened at 11:15 by the Worshipful Master, Bro Allan Potter, PProvAGStB, who welcomed WBro Kevin M Reaney, APGM and 12 brethren including 4 visitors to the meeting.… Read more “Daytime Lodge in Manchester”

Yet another Advancement

Tuesday, 8th March, William Romaine Callender Mark Lodge No 136 held their meeting at Bury Masonic Hall, Parsons Lane, Bury. This evening was a special occasion as they were going to advance yet another brother into the Mark degree family.

The Worshipful Master, Bro Arthur Woodall, PProvGJD, welcomed the

Mossley RAM Elevation

On a wet and miserable evening Mossley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1381 held their meeting at Westholme, Mossley, with 17 Mariners present including 2 visitors, the Lodge set sail at 6:40.

The Worshipful Commander, WBro Barry Rhodes, RAMGR, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them all for attending.… Read more “Mossley RAM Elevation”

Storms don’t stop Engineers

Storms ahead but it didn’t stop Manchester Engineers Mark Lodge No 1059 installation meeting from getting underway on Thursday 17th February at Manchester Hall.

33 brethren were in attendance to witness a superb installation of WBro Steven Boyle, PAGSwdB, carried out by

Designated a Lodge of Instruction

Semper Paratus Mark Lodge No 852 has now been designated a Lodge of Instruction and they held their meeting at Audenshaw Masonic Hall on Thursday, 10th February. In attendance was RWBro John H Smith, ProvGM, along with RWBro Alexander S McLaren, PastProvGM

The Worshipful Master, Leslie Baker opened the Lodge at 6:05 and he welcomed the 23 brethren who were in attendance especially those brethren of 5, who like himself, had travelled down from Durham to conduct the meeting.… Read more “Designated a Lodge of Instruction”