Wike Lodge No 142

Wike Lodge No 142 of Mark Masters held an advancement ceremony for not one but two craft masons to become mark men.

In attendance was Deputy Provincial Grand Master WBro David G Rainford along with the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Wes Marchant.… Read more “Wike Lodge No 142”

Friendship Mark 1459

On Tuesday, 23 November, at Middleton Masonic hall, Friendship Mark Lodge No 1459 held their meeting with 26 brethren in attendance, which included 18 members along with 8 guests who were treated to a talk by the Worshipful Master Bro John Tiler, PGMO, PAPGM, about the history of Thomas Sharples Barlow Lodge No 1383 which was

Back at last for Roberts TI

Thursday the 12 August saw the first meeting of Roberts TI 24 lodge of Mark Master Masons. It was their first meeting in almost 18 months. An installation of the new Worshipful Master. by the current WM WBro Edward Aston who performed an exemplary ceremony to install WM WBro George Harry Scaife into the chair of Adoniram.

Read more “Back at last for Roberts TI”