Goulburn Lodge and the Old Bill

The regular meeting of Goulburn Lodge No 680 was held at the Old Bill restaurant in Oldham. The Provincial Grand Master and a Provincial Deputation of 9 were in attendance.

This being the Installation meeting, the Master Elect, WBro. Martin Roche, PAGSwdB was duly presented and installed into the chair by the Worshipful Master, WBro.… Read more “Goulburn Lodge and the Old Bill”

Royal Ark Mariners receive Grand Patron status

On Friday 22nd November, Union Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners held their meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall. On this occasion, the Lodge was honoured by the presence of

wet and windy night in Accrington

On a wet and windy night in Accrington, Adoniram Mark Lodge met for their Installation.

Unfortunately, the Master Elect, Bro Allan Williams has been diagnosed with a serious problem and was unable to take the chair. The brethren of Adoniram and indeed, all the Province wish him well for a

A team effort in Bolton

On Wednesday 20th November St Johns TI and F W Broadbent Mark Lodges met on the same night with a view to supporting each other’s meetings.

FWB led they way opening at 6.20 pm with the Immediate Past Master, W.Bro. John Green in the chair.… Read more “A team effort in Bolton”

Royal Ark Mariners launch Lunchtime meetings

The first “daylight” meeting of Ardwick Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 1222 was held on Wednesday 30th October 2019 at Stanley House Audenshaw. A total of 12 Mariners attended including the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro John Smith, supported by both APGMs, WBro Gerry Young and

Lots of work at Faith 20 Mark & RAM

Faith Mark No 20 and Faith RAM No 20

On Monday 4 November, Faith Mark and RAM held their regular meetings. As there was a ceremony in the RAM degree, the Mark Lodge was held first. The meeting was opened at 6.25 by

Union Mark Lodge No 32 – First lunchtime meeting

Union Mark Lodge No. 32 met on 16th October at Manchester Hall, Bridge
Street. There were 10 brethren in attendance. This was the first lunchtime
meeting of the Lodge which will now become