Friendship Mark 1459

Friendship Mark Lodge No 1459 held their installation meeting at Middleton Masonic Hall on Tuesday, 27th September. In attendance was WBro Kevin M Reaney, APGM, along with 16 brethren of the deputation team.

The Master VWBro John Tiler, PGMO, opened the Lodge at 6:05 with over 50 brethren in attendance to witness the installation of

Cabaret Evening 2022

To all Mark Masons and friends. Time is getting short for you to secure tickets to the 2022 Cabaret evening.
This is the Premier Event on the Fellowship Calendar and well worth the Ticket’s cost with Live entertainment, a raffle, and a sumptuous three-course meal.… Read more “Cabaret Evening 2022”

1303 Mark & RAM

On Wednesday, 5th October at Middleton Masonic Hall, both Middleton Mark and RAM No1303 held their installation meeting for the Mark degree.

The first meeting was opened up in the Royal Ark Mariner degree by the Immediate past Commander WBro David Halford who thanked the DPGM, WBro David G Rainford and the

100 years of continuous working

When Mark Men from Lancashire petitioned MWGM William Patrick Albert Duke of Connaught and Strathearn for a Royal Ark Mariner Warrant for Perseverance Lodge in 1922, little did they know that 100 years later, give or take a few months, the Lodge would have seen three PGMs of the Province pass through its ranks, George Gray, George Farnworth Nuttall and Fred Kemp.… Read more “100 years of continuous working”

Grand Lodge Visit

On Tuesday the 13 September, many East Lancashire Mark Masons had an early start meeting at Piccadilly train station at 8:30 am to catch the 9:12 Avanti train to Euston London. Thanks to W.Bro Malcolm Mcarthy for his efforts in the organisation on the day.… Read more “Grand Lodge Visit”

A minutes silence adopted

On Thursday, 8th September at Audenshaw Masonic Hall, Semper Paratus Lodge No 852 held their installation meeting.

In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master, along with 24 brethren including RWBro Alex McLaren, Past Provincial Grand Master along with3 chain bearers.… Read more “A minutes silence adopted”