2021 Festival, the end

Brethren, we have finally reached the conclusion of our 2021 Festival for the benefit of the Mark Benevolent Fund. It has been a long and challenging road and one which has been overshadowed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which none of us could ever have imagined.… Read more “2021 Festival, the end”

MBF 2021 Festival – Update

It is with no little sadness that I have to announce that the Festival Banquet scheduled for 3rd July has been cancelled due to the extension of the Covid-19 lockdown measures. I am sure that this is disappointing for everyone who was planning to attend but particularly for the Banquet Committee who have worked so hard, for so long, to put on an event worthy of the occasion and our Province.… Read more “MBF 2021 Festival – Update”

Suspension of meetings


Under the current prevailing circumstances Grand Mark Lodge have issued the following instruction: –

The Grand Masters of the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall have jointly
agreed an immediate General Suspension of all Masonic Activity for a period of four
months.… Read more “Suspension of meetings”