Busy Night for Union Mark

On Wednesday 8th March at Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, Union Mark Lodge No 32 held their meeting with 21 brethren in attendance including WBro David Coombs, PGJD, who was the representative in attendance on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master.

This day was indeed a very special occasion as we had an advancement ceremony and the proclamation of WBro Thomas Stewart Mills PAGStB. The Lodge was opened at 11:25 by the Worshipful Master WBro TS Mills who conducted the ceremony of advancement for Mustafa Alper Avci a Craft member of King Edward the Seventh Lodge No 3329 along with members of Union Mark 32 Lodge.

The next item on the summons was to proclaim WBro Thomas Stewart Mills PAGStB into the chair of Adoniram which was conducted by the Director of Ceremonies WBro Michael Shaw PGJD. The newly installed Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his new team into their respective offices.

The business of the meeting being ended the Lodge closed at 1 pm. Onto the dining room were 20 brethren sat down to a splendid 3 course meal. There was a great atmosphere in the room and all in all it was a wonderful meeting to be involved in the advancement of a new member into the Mark Degree.

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