Canons Close – Burns Night

As February 9th was the nearest meeting date to Burns Night, the residents decided to hold a Burns Lunch on that day. It turned out to be a great event of food, drink and entertainment.

Alan Roscoe, his wife Ann and John Hood in highland dress piped in and did the address to the haggis.The haggis was served with neeps and tatties, a Scottish shortbread and a dram of highland dew, all washed down with Irn Bru. After eating our fill, Alan sang some beautiful Scottish ballads, Ann followed with the tale of Tam O’Shanter and John Hood did a few readings.

In all, a wonderful afternoon of friendship and laughter was enjoyed by all and a good sum of money was raised for our charity The Legacy Rainbow House. In March we have invited WBro Eddie Hilton along to perform some magic tricks. We are hoping he can conjure up some sunshine and make the rain disappear! The snowdrops and daffodils are in full bloom in the gardens here at Canons Close, while the crocus are pushing through beneath the trees….maybe spring is not far away.

Edith Bleackley p/p Geoff (currently in hospital )

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