Canon’s Close – Change of Site Manager.

After fourteen years of excellent service, Dennis Scowcroft has decided to retire from the Canon’s Close Managements Committee as Site Manager. It was impossible to persuade, blackmail or tempt him in any way to continue.

Dennis will be a big loss to the Committee since he brought such knowledge and expertise to the job. Organising and planning the work and ensuring costs were always scrutinised to give us the most competitive price for a quality job.

Both the Committee and the ELMBF are grateful for all his efforts on their behalf.
We wish him a long and happy, well earned retirement.

I have asked John Welsby if he will take over the responsibility. He will have a hard act to follow but coming from a similar background to Dennis, with a good knowledge of all the trades and with an initial helping hand from Dennis, I am sure we will survive.

John Tiler

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